Monday 11 August 2014

The State I'm In

Imagine you’ve just been having a conversation with that person you see quite often (but not often enough to call them your friend) where you’re not really sure what to say to them next. Conversations with this person aren’t so much ‘conversations’ as they are an awkward exchange of statements being said to fill the silence. 

All the things you usually talk about have already been talked about. You’ve probably mentioned the commonwealth games – (the verdict agreed on the opening ceremony is that it opened badly but got better towards the end). You’ve probably mentioned the weather. You’ve probably begun to feel a bit bored (or anxious about being boring) and so you are grasping for subjects to talk about. Your ‘friend’ decides that the conversation should turn political:

“So, what do you think about Scottish Independence then?”

I don’t know about you but this is a question I dread. A question I hate being asked. A sort of dullness comes over me and I have a very strong urge to roll my eyes and sigh whenever I’m asked it. My reaction is mainly due to a bizarre and worrying case of Political Apathy. It is also due to a worrying case of Political Ignorance.

(This is a deadly mix: Political Ignorance makes you avoid discussions about politics because you don’t want to show yourself for what you are – completely and utterly ignorant – and this avoidance creates just the right amount of distance from political issues for the Political Apathy to kick in. This Apathy then means that you distance yourself even further from all things political because not only do you not want to reveal yourself as being Politically Ignorant, you also don’t want others seeing how little you actually care about what they’re talking about. This Apathy comes with a strong sense of shame – a good citizen is well-informed and cares about the future of the country he/she lives in, surely? The shame ultimately creates a strange kind of sadness. This process then repeats itself ad infinitum until you reach the worrying and bizarre state that I’m in. The state of being an Ignorant – with a capital ‘I’ – and Apathetic – with a capital ‘A’ – human being that the most he can do in a conversation about Independence is just say ‘awck, I know’ or ‘yeah’ in response to whatever the person he’s talking to has just said).

And with 37 days to go, this is a terrible place to be in. Everyone is talking about it. EVERYONE!

I intend to sort myself out.

(Picture source: here)

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